Spina bifida complications may include: Those that live into early adulthood often live for decades longer. Spina Bifida Babies Faced Bleak Future Half-century Ago Local News Myleaderpapercom The life expectancy of spina bifida varies and most people believe that a baby with spina bifida cannot live through childhood. Spina bifida life expectancy 2021 . Almost 90% of individuals with this condition live to 30 years old. What's spina bifida life expectancy? Spina bifida results from an incomplete formation of the brain, spinal cord, and/or meninges in an infant. One reason for this, seems to me, is that during the 20th century techniques evolved to successfully close an open lesion myelomeningocele like mine (l4_l5 as it happens, though this doesn't in itself tell you much) which result. A spinal cord injury (sci) is typically defined as damage or trauma to the spinal cord that results in a loss or impaired function resulting in reduced mobility or feeling. Despite...